Okay, I've decided to possibly start trading again, so here's a want list, but you'll probably be very unhappy with what's on it. Anyway, if I have a pony on my trade list, sending me something on this page is gonna be the ONLY way to get it until I decide to put it up on my auction or sale page.
Oh, and I'll totally buy these ponies. If you have them for sale or auction, or know where they're for sale or auction, and would like to let me know, I'd totally appreciate it! :)
Pearlized Baby Ponies: Pearly Baby Moondreamer/Moondancer/whatever you want to call her
Baby Gametime
Mail-Order Sparkle Ponies: Napper, Twinkler, Stardancer-these will have a symbol on their face as well as their hindquarters
I need one of the teeny tiny twins-Bootsie or Tootsie, I think it's Bootsie, but I'm not sure yet. Hope to know one of these days! :)
Any of the McDonald's clips of Snuzzle, Cotton Candy, Minty, Blossom, Bluebelle, or Butterscotch
Big Brother Hats & Scarfs: Wig Wam, 4-Speed, Salty, Slugger, Steamer, maybe some others?
Okay, so I've decided to start trying for some International Ponies. Here's what I'm looking for:
Baby Cherries Jubilee
Non-Beddy-Bye Eyed: Baby Ribbon, Baby Heart Throb, Baby Gusty
First Tooth Baby Sundance (or basically any Baby Sundance that doesn't have beddy bye eyes)
Alternates: Yellow Moondancer, non-so-soft Cupcake, Paradise, & Truly
Baby Honeycomb, Baby Hopskotch
Mountain Boys: Thundercloud, Lightning, Sunburst, Ice Crystal, Fireball, Tornado
Cookery ponies: Cherry Sweet
Playschool babies: Baby Schooltime, Baby Alphabet
Sweetie Babies: Baby Candy, Baby Lollipop, Baby Licorice
**Most interested in earlier ponies; please e-mail with other offers.
Right now, my trade list is kinda in shambles, as I'm not really sure which ponies are still available. I'm planning to work it into the sale page, so that most ponies will be for sale, but some ponies will be for trade; these ponies will be pictured & listed with sale ponies, though, as my organization of sale ponies is much greater than what I've had on my trade page. And hopefully this page will get improved with time, also.
I will trade or buy the above listed ponies. I can't say for sure that all of my references are still around or that they still remember me, though. I do have excellent feedback at ebay (my userid is snuzzle_1) and I am on some of the my little pony themed e-mail groups. If you are interested in trading for me, please contact me, then feel free to e-mail the groups to see what they think of me, though I wouldn't be surprised if most of the members had no clue who I am-I really don't post much.
I will say this, though-I am not comfortable with sending first. Depending on what kind of feedback I can get on you, I will send at the same time, or as close as possible.
my trade list
my sale list
e-mail me
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